Setting up an account

Setting up an online account on MyNMBI is easy and quick to do.

If you are an existing user (a registered Nurse or Midwife, Candidate, or Overseas Applicant), please do not create a new account on MyNMBI.

If you are a new user (who never interacted with NMBI before) please create a new account on MyNMBI.

Please consult our step-by-step guide on setting up your MyNMBI account.

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First Time Login User Guide

.pdf Download (2MB)


What can I do on MyNMBI?

All registration services are now available on MyNMBI.

Services for those joining the Register for the first time:

Services for registrants: 


If you are having difficulty accessing MyNMBI, password please call our customer care team on 0818 200 116 (Monday-Friday 9:00am - 5:30pm).

You can also email us:

Forgot your password?

If you logged in to MyNMBI in the past and forgot your password please click on Forgotten Password on the MyNMBI login page.

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