

NMBI approves education programmes for nurses and midwives

The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) plays a pivotal role in the education of nurses and midwives in Ireland.

Undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in nursing and midwifery in Ireland’s education bodies must comply with the standards and requirements set down by NMBI.

Also, NMBI approves shorter courses – Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses – which are run in a variety of hospitals, healthcare settings and other settings as well as increasingly online. Nurses and midwives who complete such courses can enhance their learning across a wide range of specialities and also earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

NMBI works in collaboration with stakeholder bodies to ensure that nurse and midwife education programmes achieve a high standard. One such collaboration is with HSELanD, the Health Services Executive online learning portal, which offers online learning programmes, resources, assessment and planning tools, that support healthcare professionals. We have had a role in developing some of the course materials for nurses and midwives and would encourage registered nurses and midwives to make use of this rich training resource.

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