Standard 8: quality assurance and enhancement mechanisms
The following is the standard for quality assurance and enhancement mechanisms required by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) for approval of Higher Level Institutions (HEIs), associated healthcare providers (AHCPs) and educational programmes leading to registration by NMBI.
The strategy, policy and procedures for quality monitoring, assurance and enhancement should have formal status within the Higher Education Institution and its Associated Health Service Provider(s), are publicly accessible and include a role for students and other academic and practice stakeholders.
HEI Education Institution and its AHCP(s) demonstrate a commitment to the fostering of an organisational culture for continuous quality improvement with written evidence outlining the systems and outcomes of quality monitoring and enhancement.
Quality assurance indicators are identified and measured in relation to the availability of:
- Reports of internal and external subject quality reviews.
- Reports of module, year and programme evaluation.
- Students’, former students’ and employers’ evaluations of the programme.
- Sufficient registered practitioners to facilitate the supervision of nursing students.
- Evidence based practice guidelines to support care delivery.
- Reports of research awareness and the application of research findings among clinical practitioners.
- Reports on the delivery of person-centred, holistic care of the person using health services.
- Policies / protocols in respect of medication management.
- Policies / protocols in respect of good practice in recording the delivery of nursing care.
- Mechanisms and evidence of audit of nursing documentation.
- Evidence of maintenance of competence and of continuing professional development of all academic and practice staff involved in programme delivery.
- Evidence of clinical risk management programmes.
- Mechanisms for and evidence of student support, supervision and assessment whilst in practice settings.
- Mechanisms for and evidence of educational and clinical audit.
- Mechanisms are explicit as to the role and function of members of the public and persons in receipt of health care in the process of programme review and evaluation.