Protecting patients is our main objective
The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) is the independent, statutory organisation which regulates the nursing and midwifery professions in Ireland. We work with nurses and midwives, the public and key stakeholders to enhance safety and care for people using services.
Our mission is to protect the public and the integrity of the professions of nursing and midwifery through the promotion of high standards of education, training, and professional conduct.
In fulfilling our core functions, we:
- maintain the Register of Nurses and Midwives and a Candidate Register for student nurses and midwives
- set the standards for the education of nurses and midwives
- approve programmes of education necessary for registration and monitor these programmes on an ongoing basis
- support our registrants by providing appropriate guidance on professional conduct and ethics for both registered nurses and midwives
- investigate and consider complaints against nurses and midwives.
We know that nurses and midwives work in a very challenging environment. Despite this, they carry out their work with care, kindness, courtesy, compassion and empathy. At NMBI, our role is to help nurses and midwives make the right decisions for patients in their efforts to achieve and exceed standards of professional practice.