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Access Policy and Procedure - NMBI (An Bord Altranais) Archive

This sets out the policy and procedure relation to authorising accessing the NMBI (An Bord Altranais) Archive held in UCD Archives, School of History and Archives, University College Dublin.


A copy of the Archive Catalogue is available here.

Application procedure

A person wishing to access the archive must apply in writing to the Chief Executive of NMBI and provide the following information:

  1. Full name of applicant
  2. Contact telephone number(s)
  3. Email address
  4. NMBI PIN (if applicable)
  5. Purpose of access, to include a summary of any research study being conducted by the applicant.
  6. A letter of support signed by the applicant's research supervisor, if applicable, together with confirmation that the study has been granted ethical approval.
  7. Details of materials which the applicant wishes to access.

Requests to access the UCD Archives will be brought to the next available Senior Management Team meeting (SMT) for a decision on granting access. These meetings are held every two weeks (on occasion they may be less frequent due to annual leave etc. NMBI will endeavour to issue a decision on the application request within ten working days of the SMT meeting.

Access to the archive will only be permitted by UCD Archives if the applicant is in possession of a letter of authorisation from NMBI signed by the Chief Executive Officer (or designate). Access is granted for one year from the date of issue of letter. An extension to this permission will require a further request in writing to the Chief Executive.

Access to the archive shall be permitted for the purposes set out in the application only and will be administered in accordance with UCD Archives policies and procedures. Access for studies other than originally requested must be the subject of a new application.

Document management

A records log with requests to access the archives will be maintained in the Office of the Chief Executive. This will consist of:

  • Date of request
  • Name and contact email
  • Reason for request
  • Approved or denied and reason for same

Retention management

The access request and the corresponding details in the records log will be retained for five years. This will allow NMBI to manage and respond to requests effectively and demonstrate transparency.

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