Prescriptive authority for nurses and midwives: standards and requirements
This document sets out the educational standards and requirements for prescriptive authority for nurses and midwives to prescribe medicines leading to qualification as a registered nurse prescriber.
International experiences have demonstrated many positive outcomes associated with nurses and midwives prescribing for patients or clients as part of their delivery of care. Research studies show that where nurses and midwives prescribe, patients are very satisfied with their care, have greater accessibility to treatment, and with less inconvenience.
The challenge for nurses and midwives undertaking prescriptive authority is to use their skills, knowledge and experiences to meet the goals of the national health policy by delivering quality care in an ever-changing environtment.
The introduction of prescriptive authority for nurses and midwives is an important element of practice expansion and supports the vision of the Irish Government in its health policies to create an equitable, accessible, people centred, quality health system for its citizens.
This document outlines:
- Minimum entry requirements.
- Learning outcomes.
- Competences for prescriptive authority.
- Syllabus / indicative content.
- Theoretical and clinical instruction.
Criteria for programmes
- Standards for the approval of educational providers and Health Care Providers.
- Respective educational providers.
- Programme design and development.
- Clinical practice experience.
- Assessment process.
- External examiners.
Prescriptive Authority for Nurses and Midwives - Standards and Requirements
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