
Annual reports

NMBI requires the education bodies (EBs) and associated healthcare providers (AHCPs) to jointly produce an annual report in April of each year. The report should include the following information:

  • An update on conditions and recommendations in respect of programme(s) approval and site visit report.
  • Evidence that programmes continue to meet NMBI requirements.
  • Information on the quality of and changes to the practice placement learning environments and the arrangements/structures that are in place to enable students achieve the learning outcomes.
  • Student numbers per cohort per programme, number of places available per programme, number of places accepted, attrition rates current numbers.
  • Changes to curriculum structures or processes.
  • Changes to marks and standards / EB academic regulations.
  • A list of the nurse lecturers to include division of the Register of Nurses and Midwives and the NMBI Personal Identification Number (PIN).
  • Change of External Examiner(s) including compliance with appointment standards and the NMBI / Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) PIN applicable.
  • The external examiner’s annual report or a summary.
  • Any significant changes that affect any aspect of compliance with the standards and requirements of NMBI.

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