Standard 4: support, supervision and learning resources
The following is the standard for student support, supervision and learning resources required by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) for approval of Higher Level Institutions (HEIs), associated health care providers (AHCPs) and educational programmes leading to registration by NMBI.
The HEI and its AHSP(s) should provide adequate guidance and support for student learning throughout the programme of study to foster an effective learning climate. The HEI and AHCS(s) should provide adequate financial and human resources in terms of academic, supervisory, administrative, and clinical personnel to ensure the effective delivery of teaching, learning and assessment. Adequate is defined as being of a sufficient level to match the needs for delivering the programme in accordance with criteria specified in NMBI standards and requirements.
Such resources should support research activity, programme administration and professional development of the staff involved in programme delivery, and should be specified in a Memorandum of Understanding.
There is evidence as specified in a Memorandum of Understanding of the commitment of adequate resources by the HEIs and AHCS(s) for effective support, guidance and supervision of nursing students.
- The mechanism for student support in relation to student services, facilities, academic and personal guidance is explicit and is made known, in writing, to students at the beginning of the programme.
- Support mechanisms are provided for students, designed with their needs in mind and responsive to feedback from those who use such student services.
- HEI and Schools / Departments educational learning resources and facilities (including technological support) adequately support delivery of the entirety of the programme.
- Teaching and facilitation of student learning is resourced by adequate numbers of appropriately prepared academic, administrative, technical and clinical staff to support the delivery of the programme at the stated professional and academic level.
- Nursing subjects are developed and taught by registered nurses / midwives with appropriate professional and academic qualifications and teaching expertise in the subject matter.
- The academic and practice staff delivering the programme hold appropriate professional qualifications and have the subject knowledge, skills and proficiency to teach or assess students in a range of settings.
- A mechanism for staff development that prepares staff to deliver the educational programme including the provision for maintaining nursing subject expertise and academic and clinical credibility is declared.
- Processes for monitoring of student attendance, sickness, absence and attrition are fair, accurate, transparent and available.
- Specified periods of annual leave are identified within the curriculum for years 1-3 of the programme and during the final year internship period.
- A formal grievance and complaints policy for students is in place.
- Processes for monitoring of student achievement, progression and completion are fair, accurate, transparent and available.
- A formal appeals procedure is in place with clear guidance on the process for students.
- Access is afforded to undergraduate nursing students for clinical exposure to allied health professionals.
- The methodology of the HEI and the AHCS(s) to support students in the practice learning setting and to be involved in the clinical environment and its development are explicit.
- Mechanisms for student support in relation the provision of adequate guidance, supervision and examination of competence development in practice placement settings are available.
- Supports the delivery of the educational programme at the stated professional and academic level.
- 1 Clinical Placement Coordinator (CPC) per 30 nursing students.
- 1 Allocations Liaison Officer per 50 nursing students.
- 1 Nurse / Midwife Lecturer per 20 nursing students.
- The work of CPCs should be coordinated and supported by a Nurse Practice Development Coordinator for the associated healthcare providers (AHCPs).
- The HEI and AHCP(s) routinely monitor and review the effectiveness of support services available to students and implement necessary improvements.