Standards and Requirements

HomeEducation Standards and Requirements Nurses Undertaking DXA Scans

Nurses Undertaking the Practical Aspects of Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) Scanning for Adults

This document was published by NMBI in February 2023 and sets out the educational standards and requirements for nurses undertaking the practical aspects of Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) scanning for adults. 

The standards and requirements outlined in this document are designed to guide education providers and higher education institutions and their associated healthcare providers to inform the development, delivery and evaluation of nurse educational programmes for nurse authority to refer persons for medical radiological and other imaging procedures.

NMBI developed these standards following the transposition of a European directive which requires new education standards to ensure public and staff safety when nurses perform bone density scans using ionising radiation (X-ray). 

The new requirements aim to ensure a standardised approach to DXA education programmes and to ensure that nurses are competent to administer a DXA scan to adult service users in a healthcare setting following completion of the education programme. The standards set out the key aims of ensuring nursing practice in this area is safe, compassionate, professional and accountable.

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Nurses Undertaking the Practical Aspects of DXA Scanning for Adults

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