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Advocacy and other organisations which support patients and families

NMBI emotional support service

NMBI provides an emotional support service to our registrants and witnesses during the Fitness to Practice (FTP) process. This is a freephone service, available 24/7, that enables those involved to speak with a qualified counsellor about any aspect of the FTP procedure. The support line is available to any nurse, midwife, nursing associate or witness going through the FTP process and any NMBI employee and committee member who may be adversely affected by a case or contact with a registrant.

Further details can be found in the flyer below.

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NMBI emotional support service

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Watch the emotional support service video here.

There are also various organisations and agencies in Ireland that can provide advocacy or support services either directly or indirectly to patients and their families when dealing with hospitals or other health care services. We have listed some key organisation and agencies below and provided links to their websites.

A Little Lifetime Foundation

A registered charity providing support to parents bereaved by stillbirth and neonatal death.

Anam Cara

A non-profit organisation who provide support to parents after bereavement.

Association of Nigerian Nurses in Ireland

Association of Nigerian Nurses in Ireland (ANNI) is a non-profit organisation that is committed to addressing the integration, education, health, housing, social services, culture, and economic development needs of Nigerian Irish Nurses and other African immigrants in Ireland, through programs, services and advocacy.


A registered charity providing free support, education and information services to people impacted by anxiety, depression and mood related conditions.


Cairde is a community development organisation working to improve ethnic minority access to health services, and ethnic minority participation in health planning and delivery.

Citizens Information Board

The Citizens Information Board is the statutory body which supports the provision of information, advice and advocacy on a broad range of public and social services.

Dignity 4 Patients

Dignity 4 Patients is a patient-centred organisation that works to support persons affected by sexual assault and / or inappropriate behaviour whilst a patient in a medical or therapeutic setting.


An independent organisation working to promote and protect the rights of people from a migrant background in Ireland.

Dublin Rape Crisis Centre

The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre is a national organisation offering a wide range of services to women and men who are affected by rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment or childhood sexual abuse.

Empowering People in Care in Ireland (EPIC)

Empowering People in Care (EPIC) is an independent association that works throughout the Republic of Ireland, with and for children and young people who are currently living in care or who have had an experience of living in care.


A registered charity providing free professional support to bereaved parents and families. 

Focus Ireland

A registered charity that provides advice, information, advocacy and help with finding a home or for people at risk of homelessness.

HSE Drugs and Alcohol Helpline

HSE drugs and alcohol helpline freephone number 1800 459 459. Available Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 5.30pm.

HSE Employee Assisstance Programme

The HSE Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is a work-based support service for HSE staff and the organisation. It supports employees with psychosocial issues (psychological and social factors that influence mental health).

HSE Mental Health

Provides information and advice about your mental health and wellbeing. 

Immigrant Council of Ireland

A human rights organisation and independent law centre working to provide assistance to people from a migrant background.

Inclusion Ireland

Inclusion Ireland (the National Association for People with an Intellectual Disability) is the umbrella organisation of over 160 organisations and provides information and advice on matters affecting people with an intellectual disability.

Irish Advocacy Network

The Irish Advocacy Network is a peer-led, island-wide organisation which promotes equal citizenship to people with mental health difficulties through advocacy, information and support in partnership with other organisations.

Irish Government and Departments

Search for services or information from the Irish Government.

Irish Hospice Foundation

The Irish Hospice Foundation is a national charity dedicated to all matters relating to dying, death and bereavement in Ireland. The Foundation strives for the best care at end of life for people who are dying and practical support for their loved ones.

Irish Patients Association 

The Irish Patients Association advocate for the needs of patients to be paramount while working in partnership with health providers.

Legal Aid Board

An independent statutory body that provides civil legal aid and advice, family mediation and vulnerable witness related services and for the administration of a number of ad hoc legal aid schemes.

Mental Health Commission

The Mental Health Commisson’s main functions are to promote, encourage and foster high standards and good practices in the delivery of mental health services and to protect the interests of patients who are involuntarily admitted.

Migrant Nurses Ireland

Migrant Nurses Ireland act as link between the migrant nurses in Ireland and relevant organisations for the purpose of integration and orientation to the Irish Health Service. 


An organisation the provides an advocacy service and a free helpline service for questions on immigration law in Ireland.

National Advocacy Service

The National Advocacy Service was set up to provide independent, representative advocacy services for people with disabilities. It is supported by the Citizens Information Board.

National Patient Safety Office

The National Patient Safety Office focuses on leading key patient safety policy initiatives.

New Communities Partnership

An Independent, migrant-leg national network offering services to assist migrant people.

Patient Advocacy Service

The Patient Advocacy Service is an independent, free and confidential service. We provide information and support to people who want to make a formal complaint through the relevant complaints policy about the care they have experienced in a Public Acute Hospital or Nursing Home. We also support people in the aftermath of a Patient Safety Incident.

Patient Safety First

Patient Safety First is the website of the Patient Safety Initiative in Ireland which provides information, documentation and links to useful resources and developments in patient safety in Ireland.

Pavee Point

Pavee Point is made up of Roma, Travellers and members of the majority population working together for the realisation of human rights for minority groups. The organisation works in many specific areas including drug and alcohol addiction, violence against women and health.

Philippine Consulate

The Philippine Consulate Dublin preserves the unity and cooperation among members of Filipino communities while defending the rights and promoting the welfare of all Filipino and Irish-Filipino citizens.


A registered charity providing 24 hour crisis help and text service. 

Sage Advocacy

Sage Advocacy promotes, protects and defends the rights and dignity of vulnerable adults, older people and healthcare patients.


Charity in Ireland offering emotional support 24 hours a day, 365 days a day to anyone who is in distress, lonely or struggling to cope. 

The Miscarriage Association of Ireland

A registered charity to support people who have experienced the loss of a baby through miscarriage.

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