Publication of the outcome of the inquiry
The Board of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) is committed to transparency in its work and strives to ensure the confidence of the public. These principles underpin any decision taken under its publication policies of information on fitness to practise inquiries and sanctions.
When considering the FTPC’s report on the inquiry, the Board of NMBI considers if it is in the public interest for information about any sanctions and all or part of the transcript of the inquiry to be published.
You can read NMBI’s publication policy on this page. This policy outlines:
- The information to be published following an inquiry held in public and where the allegations have been proven, findings have been made and one or more sanction has been imposed
- The information to be published following an inquiry held in private and where the allegations have been proven, findings have been made and one or more sanction has been imposed
- The manner of publication
- Decisions not to publish
- Who must be notified about particular sanctions
- The legal basis for the publication of this information.
Notification to the Minister, the HSE and your employer
The Board of the NMBI is required to give notice in writing to the Minister for Health and the Health Service Executive (HSE) as soon as practicable after any of the following sanctions or measures take effect:
If one or more of the sanctions or measures listed above has been taken against you the Board will also notify:
- An employer if the employer’s name is known to the Board
- Any similar body with registration functions in any other jurisdiction with which you are known to be registered.
Who to contact
In the event that you are the subject of a complaint to the PPC of NMBI, we recommend that you contact your representative body and/or obtain independent legal advice before corresponding with NMBI in relation to the complaint. You can also contact the Fitness to Practise Department by telephone, by e-mail and in writing.
What to do if a complaint is made about you
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