January 24, 2024
We would like to remind all registrants who have yet to renew their registration for 2024 that the deadline is Wednesday, 31 January. If you have not completed the process, please do so as soon as possible through our online portal, MyNMBI.
We would like to remind all registrants who have yet to renew their registration for 2024 that the deadline is Wednesday, 31 January. If you have not completed the process, please do so as soon as possible through our online portal, MyNMBI.
We have developed several useful guides to assist registrants through the annual renewal process. Further details can be found on the Annual Renewal page of our website.
If you have any queries or require further support, our customer care centre can be contacted at 0818 200 116 (+353 818 200 116 from outside Ireland), Monday to Friday 9am-5:30pm or by email at regservices@nmbi.ie.
When contacting us, please provide your name, PIN number and your date of birth as this will help us deal with any query more efficiently.
Your annual renewal fee goes towards our work to support nurses and midwives to provide patient care to the highest standards. This work includes:
- Maintaining the Register of Nurses and Midwives and the Candidate Register for students.
- Developing standards and guidance for nurses and midwives.
- Assessing and approving education programmes for the professions.
- Investigating complaints made against registrants.
All nurses and midwives practising in Ireland are required to have their name on the Register of Nurses and Midwives which is maintained by NMBI and each year it is necessary to pay the annual renewal to maintain their registration.
Please note that student nurses and midwives are not required to renew. Any nurses or midwives who have registered for the first time, on or after 1 September 2023, are not required to renew until the 2025 annual renewal cycle.
Please ensure that your details are up to date, including contact information (address, email address and phone number) and employment details. This is a legal requirement under Section 53 of the Nurses and Midwives Act 2011, as amended.
If you wish to voluntarily remove your name from the Register of Nurses and Midwives, (for example are taking a career break or retiring), you can do so on MyNMBI. This service is free of charge and the deadline for voluntary removal is Wednesday, 31 January 2024. Should you choose this option, you can restore your name to the Register at any time by selecting the ’Restoration’ option on the MyNMBI portal for the same fee as the Annual Renewal.
Further details can be found on the Voluntary Removal section of our website.
Removal from the Register for non-payment of the annual registration renewal fee
If the annual renewal is not completed by the Wednesday, 31 January 2024, or if you have not voluntarily removed your registration, we are legally obliged to include your name on the list of registrants that will be considered by the Board for removal. Removals from the Register for failure to pay the annual renewal fee are considered by the Board under Section77(1) of the Nurses and Midwives Act 2011, as amended. The Board will consider removals at its next meeting. Please note that notifications of removals are sent to the Minister for Health, known employers and the Health Service Executive under Section 82 of the Act.