Annual Renewal
When can I renew my annual registration with NMBI?
You can renew online from 25 October 2023 up to 31 January 2024
I didn't get my renewal notice, what do I do?
NMBI has sent a renewal notice by email to registrants which provides detailed instructions on how to renew online. If your renewal notice has not arrived by 31 October 2023, please check your spam, junk or other email folders. If you still have not received the email, you can contact our customer care centre at 0818 200 116 (+353 818 200 116 from outside Ireland) or email to request your notice.
Who pays the annual renewal fee?
All nurses and midwives practising in Ireland are required to be registered by the NMBI on the Register of Nurses and Midwives and to complete annual renewal to maintain their registration.
Student nurses and midwives are not required to renew their registration. Any nurses or midwives who have registered for the first time, on or after 1 September 2023, are not required to renew until the 2025 annual renewal cycle
How much is the annual renewal fee?
The annual renewal fee is €100.
What is my annual renewal fee used for?
This annual renewal fee goes towards our work to support nurses and midwives to provide care to the highest standards.
This work includes:
- Maintaining the Register of Nurses and Midwives and the Candidate Register for students.
- Developing standards and guidance for nurses and midwives.
- Assessing and approving education programmes for the professions.
- Investigating complaints made against registrants.
For more information on the work of NMBI see the NMBI website.
How long does it take to complete my annual renewal on MyNMBI?
Please allow 10 minutes to complete the renewal process.
Can I complete the annual renewal on my phone?
MyNMBI is mobile enabled, making it more convenient to access the range of services. For the best user experience, we still recommend registrants use a laptop or desktop to renew their registration.
Can I pay my annual renewal over the phone?
NMBI no longer accepts renewal payments by phone, please renew your registration via MyNMBI.
How do I access the MyNMBI portal?
You can access MyNMBI by clicking on the MyNMBI button on our website, using the link provided in your renewal notice or by typing into the address bar of your browser.
Do I need to set up a new account this year if I used MyNMBI last year?
No. If you used MyNMBI last year, please do not create a new account this year as it will not connect to your existing records and you will not be able to renew your registration.
You should select the ‘Already have an Account’ button.
What email and password should I use?
You should use the email address that your renewal notice was sent to. Your password is either what you created last year or the temporary password provided by NMBI in 2020.
If I can’t remember my password, what should I do?
If you do not remember your password, click on the 'Forgotten Password' button on the MyNMBI home screen and follow the steps to reset. You will receive an email into your personal email account with a link to reset your password. Please note, the forgotten password link is only valid for one hour. Your new password will be active at subsequent login, once the process is completed within an hour.
If you are unable to access your account after you have reset your password, please contact
I have not used MyNMBI before, what should I do?
Please do not create a new account as your registration details are already stored on the MyNMBI system. If this is your first time logging into MyNMBI, please contact
What information is required in the annual renewal process?
The 2024 annual renewal process consists of six steps.
- At Step 1 and Step 2, you will confirm or update your personal details and contact information.
- At Step 3 and Step 4, please ensure your division and employment details are up to date and reflect your current work status.
- You must accept the declaration at Step 5.
- Step 6 requires you to input the cardholder details of the debit/credit card that is being used for payment. If this is your own card, these will be your own details, however if you are using another card, the details supplied must be that of card holder. It is important that the cardholder information is provided as verification of payment you may be required by the card provider/bank.
- You will be redirected to our Secure Payment facility where you will input your card details.
- You may be required to verify your payment with Strong Customer Authentication (SCA). This involves going into your banking app, or inputting a code received via text (different banks have different processes). Then confirm in the browser the action has been completed.
For a detailed description on each of the steps, please refer to the 2023 Annual Registration Renewal Guide.
How do I know if I am considered as a practising nurse or midwife?
Practising nurses and midwives provide services directly to patients or work in administration, management, research and other posts without direct contact with patients. If you need NMBI registration for your work, then you are a practising nurse or midwife.
Unemployed or retired registrants are not considered practising.
How do I know if I am patient-facing?
If you are providing care directly to patients, then you are patient-facing. If you work in administration, management, research and other posts without direct patient contact, then you are not patient-facing.
My job title is not listed, what should I do?
If your job title is not listed, please select Other on the Employment Details page and type your job title in the Please Specify box that opens. Further details can be found on page 11 of the Annual Registration Renewal Guide.
I work for an agency, what employment details should I enter?
If you work mainly in one location, please specify the hospital/facility which you work in.
For agency nurses/midwives who work in multiple locations, please insert your agency’s details.
What do I enter if I work in two different places?
If you are currently working at more than one workplace you should include the details of your primary workplace.
Can I change the information about the division I am registered in?
Yes, you can update this information in Step 3 Divisions of Current Practice. For more information, please refer to pages 9-10 of the Annual Registration Renewal Guide.
You can update information about practising or patient facing in Step 3 Divisions of Current Practice. To add a division, please refer to the Add a New Division section of our website. If you would like to remove a division, details are available on the Voluntary Removal section.
If your Divisions of Current Practice is incorrect, please contact us at
Can I update my workplace details?
You can confirm or add your workplace details by tying in the specified fields.
If Ireland is selected for Workplace Country, you must select the correct county from the Workplace County drop-down.
How do I change my personal details, such as my email address and password?
It is the responsibility of all registrants to ensure that their personal details, including their email address, are up to date on MyNMBI.
You can change your email address by clicking on My Account and selecting My Personal Details. Update the email address field and save. You will receive an email to your new email address. You must click on the link provided to confirm your new email address. If you do not confirm, your email address will remain the same.
You can also update your employment details under the My Account section
How do I change my date of birth, nationality or place of birth?
To amend your date of birth, nationality or place of birth, please contact us at and provide the appropriate documentation.
Appropriate documents must be a certified copy which is a photocopy of the document which has been certified by an appropriate authority. The certified copy must be a first-generation copy - that’s a photocopy of the original document, not a photocopy of a photocopy or a fax.
Further details on certified documentation can be found on our website.
How do I make a payment?
To complete your online payment, NMBI is required to capture billing information, including an address for the cardholder whose card is being used to make this payment. NMBI is required to do this under an EU payments directive and will only use this information to complete this payment.
Please input the cardholder details of the debit/credit card that is being used for payment. It is important that the cardholder information is provided as verification of payment may be required by the card provider/bank.
You will be redirected to our Secure Payment facility where you will input your card details. You may be required to verify your payment with Strong Customer Authentication (SCA). This involves going into your banking app or inputting a code received via text (different banks have different processes). Then confirm in the browser the action has been completed.
What is Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)?
Strong Customer Authentication is an EU regulatory requirement for authenticating online payments. SCA has been introduced to enhance your security when banking online and reduce the risk of fraud. SCA adds an extra layer of security and applies to credit/debit card holders, and online, mobile and in-app banking customers.
SCA, also referred to as two-factor authentication (2FA), requires customers to use two of the three forms of authentication below.
- Knowledge: something you know (for example, a password or a PIN)
- Possession: something you own (for example, a mobile phone, card reader or other device)
- Inherence: something you are (for example, a fingerprint, voice recognition or facial recognition).
How do I set up Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)?
Your bank/card provider can advise you on their requirements for setting up SCA. We recommend that you contact your card provider/bank for more information about payment authentication.
I received one of the following error codes following an attempted payment, what should I do?
- 101 - Declined: Generally insufficient funds or incorrect card data supplied, for example, expiry date or security code. You may try to complete payment again, check details provided are correct.
If you receive any of the below error messages while attempting to make payment, please contact your bank who should be able to assist you with the issue that you are experiencing.
- 110 - Transaction blocked by merchant's 3D Secure 2 configuration - authentication failed
- 111 - Strong Customer Authentication Required
To attempt payment again, you can access the Draft or Awaiting Payment annual renewal via My Applications. You will have to click through Steps 1-5 and add your billing details again at Step 6.
Please ensure that you have Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) set up with your bank.
Where can I find my registration certificate?
Once payment has been received your certificate will be available in your My Documents section. Please note that it may take up to 30 minutes for the certificate to generate. It will remain there on future visits, should you need to download it or provide it by email to your employer.
If you can’t find it, log out and log back in again. If it does not appear, you can email
How do I voluntarily remove myself if I do not want to renew?
You can remove your name from one or all divisions in which you are registered through the Registration Services section of MyNMBI. This service is free of charge and will be available during the annual renewal period. Should you choose this option, you can restore your name to the Register at any time by selecting the Restoration option on the MyNMBI portal.
A step-by-step guide to this process is available on pages 16-17 of the Annual Registration Renewal Guide.
What happens if I do not renew my registration?
If you do not renew or voluntarily remove your registration, NMBI will be obliged to remove your record from the Register. All nurses and midwives who practise in Ireland must by law be listed on the Register of Nurses and Midwives. Practice includes clinical practice, nursing or midwifery management, education and research.
After NMBI’s annual renewal process closes and reminder emails have been sent to nurses and midwives removal notices are then issued to those who were registered with NMBI in 2023 but who did not renew for 2024. The process is approved by the Board of NMBI under Section 77 of the Nurses and Midwives Act 2011.
I am a student nurse/midwife. Am I required to renew my registration?
Student nurses and midwives are not required to complete the annual renewal process.
I am still having difficulty with an aspect of the annual renewal process, what should I do?
If you require support to complete the annual renewal process, please call: 0818 200 116 (+353 818 200 116 from outside Ireland) or email Opening hours are Monday to Friday 9am - 5:30pm
What can I do on MyNMBI, other than annual renewal?
When you are logged into your account on MyNMBI you can view all the other applications, apart from annual renewal, by clicking on the Other Services button. If you have completed an additional qualification, you will be able to add a new division. There is also the option to Voluntarily Remove from the Register. If you require your name to be restored to the Register, you can submit a restoration application. If you were qualified outside of Ireland, you can submit an Overseas Recognition application to have your qualification recognised by NMBI.
What is the annual renewal fee used for?
There is an annual fee of €100 for renewing your registration. This fee goes towards our work to support nurses and midwives to provide patient care to the highest standards. This work includes:
- Maintaining the Register of Nurses and Midwives and the Candidate Register for students,
- Developing standards and guidance for nurses and midwives,
- Assessing and approving education programmes for the professions, and
- Investigating complaints made against registrants.