November 29, 2023
We would like to remind registrants that the 2024 annual registration renewal window is open and you can renew up to 31 January 2024.
We would like to remind registrants that the 2024 annual registration renewal window is open and you can renew up to 31 January 2024.
To renew your registration, you must complete the process through our online portal, MyNMBI. The renewal process is easy and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. To date, 22,00 nurses and midwives have completed their annual registration.
While the annual renewal window is open until 31 January 2024, we encourage registrants to login and renew online as soon as possible.
All nurses or midwives practising in Ireland are required by law to have their name on the Register of Nurses and Midwives. To maintain their registration, it is necessary to pay the annual renewal fee.
When completing the process, please ensure that all contact information is up to date, including address, email address and phone number. This is a legal requirement under Section 53 of the Nurses and Midwives Act, as amended.
There is an annual fee of €100 for renewing your registration. You can pay online using a debit or credit card and we would like to remind registrants that we no longer accept renewal payments by phone. The annual renewal fee goes towards our work to support nurses and midwives to provide patient care to the highest standards. This work includes:
- Maintaining the Register of Nurses and Midwives and the Candidate Register for students
- Developing standards and guidance for nurses and midwives
- Assessing and approving education programmes for the professions
- Investigating complaints made against registrants.
Please note that student nurses and student midwives are not required to renew. Any nurses or midwives who have registered for the first time on or after 1 September are not required to renew until the 2025 annual renewal cycle.
We have developed several useful guides to assist registrants through the annual renewal process. Further details can be found on the Annual Renewal page of our website.
For those who require assistance to complete the renewal process, please call 0818 200 116 (+353 818 200 116 from outside Ireland), open Monday to Friday 9am - 5:30pm or email our Registration Department at