Home News Latest News International Nurses Day 2023

International Nurses Day 2023

Home News Latest News International Nurses Day 2023
May 12, 2023

A message from our Director of Education, Policy and Standards, Carolyn Donohoe, in celebration of International Nurses Day  

A message from our Director of Education, Policy and Standards, Carolyn Donohoe, in celebration of International Nurses Day  

It is my great pleasure today to wish all nurses and student nurses in Ireland a very happy International Nurses Day. 

I would like to thank each and every one of you for the invaluable service you provide to your patients, clients and residents wherever your role takes you, whether it is in acute or community care settings, in management, policy, research or education. 
Over the past year we finally emerged from the global Covid-19 pandemic and I would like to sincerely acknowledge the hardship experienced by everyone throughout this difficult period. I would also like to express my admiration for the resilience and dedication with which our profession continued to offer the highest standards of care, compassion and commitment.  

We have achieved so much over the last 12 months and I have witnessed this first-hand as I travel the country with the NMBI site inspection team to ensure high standards of nursing and midwifery education and practice. From speaking with colleagues, from senior lecturers to staff nurses on these occasions, I have experienced the true spirit of nursing in Ireland. I believe that at the very core of this profession are nurses who always strive to make life better for those in need. That may be the student nurse struggling to understand a complicated procedure, a patient needing pain relief just to breathe or our colleagues needing a smile to get them through the next hour.  

This year’s theme is ‘Our Nurses. Our Future.’ It offers a chance to be forward-focused and look towards progressing the profession of nursing. I work with a wonderful team in NMBI where I lead on education, policy and standards for nursing in Ireland. I am privileged to be in a position to help shape our profession for the future and to help deliver even better outcomes for people in need of healthcare, while maintaining the core of what we do.  

Since I wrote my International Nurses Day message to you last year, we have had 365 opportunities to learn and develop both personally and professionally. What I love about nursing is that no two days are the same and I am convinced that education is the key of keeping our profession strong.  

My message for you, my nursing colleagues this year, is to continue to learn and continue to thrive so that you can make today your best day.  

On this very special occasion – I wish you all a very Happy International Nurses Day. 

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