Careers in Nursing and Midwifery

HomeCareers in Nursing & Midwifery How to Apply Further Education and Training

Further Education and Training Route

It is also possible to apply through the CAO for a nursing or midwifery programme through the Further Eeducation and Training (FET) entry route rather than on the basis of your leaving certificate points. Some colleges or universities offering pre-registration honours degree programmes in nursing and midwifery keep a certain number of places for FET applications. 

To be eligible you must complete a specific National Framework of Qualification (NFQ) Level 5 course: 

These are: 

Course title Course code
Nursing Studies (5M4349)
Healthcare Support (5M4339) 
Community Health Services (5M4468)
Health Service Skills (5M3782)

To find further education colleges that provide these courses you can search the Qualifax database

Applicants must achieve at least five distinctions in modules including:

Course title Course code
Anatomy and Physiology (5N0749/D20001)
Nursing Theory (5N4325)
Human Growth and Development or (5N1279)
Biology (5N2746)

Please be aware that while you may meet the eligibility requirements outlined here, there is no guarantee that you will be offered a place on a programme. Due to the number of places available, a random selection system is operated by the CAO. Please visit the CAO website for more information about this access route.

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