August 23, 2024
NMBI is inviting registrants and members of the public to participate in an open consultation process which will inform our Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics for Registered Nurses and Registered Midwives (the Code).
NMBI is inviting registrants and members of the public to participate in an open consultation process which will inform our Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics for Registered Nurses and Registered Midwives (the Code).
NMBI is responsible for setting the standards of ethical behaviour and professional conduct expected of nurses and midwives. These standards are outlined in the Code. Through our fitness to practise functions, we are responsible for considering complaints against nurses and midwives. The Code applies to all nurses and midwives registered to practise in Ireland and will guide them in their practice.
We have revised the Code to reflect changes within the professions, in the healthcare system and in broader society. The changes to the Code include an increase from five to six principles, adopting a one-word description of each and incorporating a values statement under each of the principles.
With the aim of creating a one-stop-shop for professional guidance information, the draft document incorporates:
- The Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics for Registered Nurses and Registered Midwives (2021)
- The Scope of Nursing and Midwifery Practice Framework (2015)
- Ethical Conduct in Research (2015)
- Recording Clinical Practice (2015)
- Social Media and Social Networking (2013)
- Practice Standards for Midwives (2022)
Speaking about the launch of the public consultation, NMBI President, Dr Louise Kavanagh McBride said: “We are pleased to launch this public consultation as we continue to support nurses and midwives to deliver the highest standards of safe and effective care. The Code is the overarching structure that guides nurses and midwives in their professional practice and informs the public about the professional care they can expect. The Code forms the basis of the Board’s regulatory and professional guidance framework for the professions. We aim to ensure that this guidance on professional conduct and ethics is current, relevant and clear to nurses and midwives, and to the public. We are inviting you to have your say in shaping the revised Code.”
NMBI Interim CEO, Carolyn Donohoe added: “Nurses and midwives play such an important role in the provision of care in our society. As a regulator, we want the Code to be easy to understand and relevant to all settings where practice takes place. By incorporating the Code, the Scope of Practice and other guidance, we aim to make it easier for nurses and midwives to find the information and understand how the pieces of the professional jigsaw fit together. We are very open to opinions and feedback and want to have as wide a consultation process as possible. We are asking as many of you as possible to review the draft document and and say what you think works or doesn’t work.”
Your first step is to read the draft consultation document which is available on the Consultations page of our website, and then submit your feedback by completing the online survey.
The closing date for submitting feedback is 5pm on Wednesday, 2 October 2024.